Hardox Wearparts aims to develop into a one-stop shop for wear parts and services – serving customers in the aftermarket in, for example, industries and sectors like mining, quarrying, infrastructure, construction and recycling. Hardox Wearparts is an excellent example of SSAB’s Taking the Lead! -strategy, where leading value-added services represent an important area of long-term development.
SSAB has an ambitious goal to develop an after-market sales of branded high-strength steels from the mills through a network of 500 HWP centers. In 2016, the network grew by 90 companies and currently consists of over 265 companies across some 70 countries.
“SSAB has excellent products, but we want to offer more and also help our customers to grow. We are developing a new business arm for SSAB with leading value-added services. We want to build and develop aftermarket businesses to reach the end-user markets for repair, maintenance and wear-parts components. Hardox Wearparts is an important tool to make this happen,” explains Erik Sundström, who is responsible for the development of the network at SSAB Services.
“The aftermarket business is very fragmented and localized. We consider it very important to create partnerships with local companies around the world. Local companies know the local business. We want to guarantee to our end-customers that we have good certified services near the customer. This kind of network is a way to provide them with top quality and reliability,” continues Sundström.
The Hardox Wearparts network is growing basically all over the globe, but primarily in within prioritized industries and segments, such as mining, recycling and concrete. At the moment, SSAB already has a high presence in mining. Geographically it goes according to where the end-users are located, so, for example, in Germany recycling is more in focus and in Australia it is mining.